OUR STORY began in 1985 as a media and event production company that was recognized as one of the Top 10% in the country. After the Dot-Com Bubble, Sarbanes-Oxley and 9-11, we started over by offering premium photo and video services for our corporate and association clients. Our goal is to elevate the guest experience with great pictures. We dress and behave appropriately, and continually introduce fresh new products to surprise and delight your guests. Our brand is friendly and professional. If these are qualities that you look for in your event team, then we're a really good fit . If you're looking for low-budget, edgy or high-brow, well... that's just not our brand. |
Core Clients They say you’re known by the company you keep, and we travel coast-to-coast and beyond with many repeat clients - most of whom first hired us for their Arizona program. Our gear is portable, our passports are current and we’re familiar with most major destinations in the continental US, Hawaii, Mexico, Canada and the Caribbean. |
We are Longtime Members of
Preferred Photographer We work with many of the local DMCs and planners, group venues and virtually all of the major hotels and resorts. For 2019, we’re recommended as a preferred photographer with these fine folks: |
Giving Back
About once a month, our founder volunteers with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NLMDTS), an infant bereavement charity that provides comfort to grieving families by donating a remembrance portrait session. Unfortunately, there are many times when no photographer is available, so they really need more volunteers. If you know a compassionate photographer who you think might be able to help, please encourage them to contact us or the national NILMDTS office. Training is provided, and there are groups in most cities.
We also donate or provide deeply discounted services for other groups including Ring The Bell (Phoenix Children’s Hospital), Future Farmers of America, Global Family Philanthropy, AZ Animal Rescue Mission, The Ryan House, Dress for Success, Thunderbird Field Veterans Memorial, HSMAI, MPI and AzSAE. Discounted photo packages may also be available for clients wishing to donate these services to their designated charity.