Our specialties include photography and video products for…

  • meetings, conferences, and conventions
  • awards galas, company parties, and special events
  • incentive travel club trips
  • commercial photos for website and print

and we can provide...

  • Dropbox or flash-drive delivery
  • Day-of or RealTime edits and uploads
  • Online gallery with free downloads
  • Immediate cloud posting to social media platforms





Photography Capture

Roving photography allows us to discreetly capture candid as well as courteously-posed images to document your reception, session, awards, tradeshows and more.

More Photography Capture Information


Souvenir PhotoOpps or PhotoStation

Souvenir photo ops or green screen PhotoStation provide a fun activity with a keepsake memento.  Props give guests permission to have fun, and licensed digital backgrounds protect everyone’s career.

Red Carpet package with runner, ropes & stanchions and PropFlash Paparazzi cameras

Some examples of our prop packages: Wild West, Bling Cowboy Chic, Red Carpet Awards, Rock & Roll, Rabid Sports Fan, Imagine/Magic, Fedoras and Shades, Crazy Eclectic Mix

More PhotoStation Information



Location capture or aerial highlights provide great photos of your event.

More Video Information